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Track and field injury 'best thing to happen' that led Jonas Walton to junior Hour Record and new road focus

This past year 20-year-old Jonas Walton won the Canadian U23 time trial national championship and a pair of gold medals on the road at USA Cycling Collegiate nationals. Walton can thank his parents Dana Gygory Walton and Brian Walton, both accomplished cyclists in their careers, for dual citizenship.

Jonas is the middle of three children for the cycling couple. Dana Gyory Walton has won eight world titles at UCI Masters Track World Championships, five of them coming in 2011 when Jonas was seven years old. Jonas’ father was the 1998 Canadian road champion and a two-time Pan-American road champion, riding professionally across 11 years with 7-Eleven and Saturn. 

SOURCE: CyclingNews   (go to source)
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